YES or NO?

It varies from person to person, but we’re often faced with decisions, and the answer could be as simple as a yes or no. I’m not going to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, as the choice is yours to make. However, I do think it is important to think about yourself when choosing an answer. Your friend may ask for a favor, and if it was something small and simple, you would probably accept. The issue comes when these favors become complicated, and it becomes more and more of a burden for you. They are your friend however , so you may feel inclined to help out as much as possible.

For some people, it can be really difficult to say no. This could be a cultural thing, or anything really. Maybe they are a really nice person, and do not want to disappoint others. I think this is a good trait to have as it shows kindness and a willingness to help. Unfortunately, the problem arises when we begin to overly commit to our duties. Time can be limitless or limited, depending on how you see it. In the greater span of things, time continuously moves forward into infinity. OUR time as individuals however is packed into whatever daily schedules are set. If you devote all of your energy to others, then your own time is lost.

An unfortunate truth that we may all learn in life is that not everyone appreciates your contributions. Instead, they may take advantage of it, asking more and more from you with no intention of stopping. You must learn to recognize this if you do not already.

If your boss instructs you to start on a project or perform some sort of task, it is very difficult to say no. Obviously if you value your job, then cases like these show higher priority when it comes to making a decision. Look down your list of chores and come to a conclusion on whether or not which of these you can afford to decline. If you have the time, willingness, and the energy to help out others, then go for it! The key here is knowing your own limits.

I want people to enjoy and have motivation in life. I believe having a space for personal reflection and freedom helps move in that direction. The challenge here is that everyone functions in their own ways, and there is no changing that. Because of this, it is completely up to you to decide when you want to keep going, and when you want to stop.

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