Know Your Weakness

This isn’t going to be about strengths and weaknesses in terms of career or life skills. In this post, I’m talking quite literally about physical prowess. A few days ago someone I know suffered a fall right before my eyes. This wasn’t a child stumbling on their own steps. This was a grown person nearing the older stages of life. It happened in a matter of seconds, and was absolutely terrifying. A loud slam, and that was it. Running over, I feared the worst, a body laying on the ground in a otherworldly position with chilling stillness. Luckily, their voice came out from below, ensuring us all that they were OK.

In this case, they couldn’t get up immediately because of the immense pain in their wrists and knee. Luck would have it however that no bones were fractured or broken, but we all know that things could’ve been far worse. The point is as we get older, we become more vulnerable to the things that used to barely scratch us. Health and sickness become a major worry in everyday life as we begin to wear down. It’s a depressing thought, but it’s true.

Now, we may not stop the inevitable, but we can always delay it and lessen it’s effects. In this day and age, it is absolutely wonderful to see that more and more people are becoming health conscious, eating right, or working out. This habit however needs to be something that sticks all throughout our lives. I know the older we get, the busier and tiring things get with work, family, and whatnot. Energy is something we all tend to lack as we age. That is why you need to start early, and start now if you haven’t already. Create a schedule, a routine, and stick to it. 30 minutes a day, an hour, find time to do something that promotes health for yourself. Even a brief walk after dinner will help in things like digestion tremendously.

Life isn’t just about the fun times when you are young. Like it or not, we experience every single stage of it, so preparation is necessary in order to be comfortable in transition from year to year. Exercise and eat right now so that your future self won’t have to deal with as much of the problems as they may have if you didn’t, and I promise you, there will be issues and challenges to come. I’m not a health expert by any means, but it seems like common sense that good habits will pay off, wouldn’t you agree?

Overall, the main message of this post is to point out that we aren’t always going to have that feeling of invulnerability. It’s only a phase, and a rather short one at that. Understand the things to come, prepare for it, and you won’t regret a thing.

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