Know Your Weakness

This isn’t going to be about strengths and weaknesses in terms of career or life skills. In this post, I’m talking quite literally about physical prowess. A few days ago someone I know suffered a fall right before my eyes. This wasn’t a child stumbling on their own steps. This was a grown person nearing the older stages of life. It happened in a matter of seconds, and was absolutely terrifying. A loud slam, and that was it. Running over, I feared the worst, a body laying on the ground in a otherworldly position with chilling stillness. Luckily, their voice came out from below, ensuring us all that they were OK.

In this case, they couldn’t get up immediately because of the immense pain in their wrists and knee. Luck would have it however that no bones were fractured or broken, but we all know that things could’ve been far worse. The point is as we get older, we become more vulnerable to the things that used to barely scratch us. Health and sickness become a major worry in everyday life as we begin to wear down. It’s a depressing thought, but it’s true.

Now, we may not stop the inevitable, but we can always delay it and lessen it’s effects. In this day and age, it is absolutely wonderful to see that more and more people are becoming health conscious, eating right, or working out. This habit however needs to be something that sticks all throughout our lives. I know the older we get, the busier and tiring things get with work, family, and whatnot. Energy is something we all tend to lack as we age. That is why you need to start early, and start now if you haven’t already. Create a schedule, a routine, and stick to it. 30 minutes a day, an hour, find time to do something that promotes health for yourself. Even a brief walk after dinner will help in things like digestion tremendously.

Life isn’t just about the fun times when you are young. Like it or not, we experience every single stage of it, so preparation is necessary in order to be comfortable in transition from year to year. Exercise and eat right now so that your future self won’t have to deal with as much of the problems as they may have if you didn’t, and I promise you, there will be issues and challenges to come. I’m not a health expert by any means, but it seems like common sense that good habits will pay off, wouldn’t you agree?

Overall, the main message of this post is to point out that we aren’t always going to have that feeling of invulnerability. It’s only a phase, and a rather short one at that. Understand the things to come, prepare for it, and you won’t regret a thing.

Money Matters

Do you believe that money can buy happiness? Maybe? Maybe not? It’s a popular saying, and it’s a debate that will last for a long time. Personally, I think it doesn’t hurt to have some right? If you are financially stable, it’s a feel good moment when you don’t have to worry too much about bills, taxes, rent, or anything really where spending is necessary. Because of this, one form of stress is being lifted. With money, you can buy gifts, presents, and afford to go on vacation, trips across the world to see new places. By having money, you can move on from the needs and onto the wants. Money won’t give you happiness directly, but it can certainly open a path towards it.

Because of how society is structured, I think it is crucial to have at the least basic financial skills. You don’t have to be a stock market trader or anything fancy like that, but knowing how to handle and spend is a great ability to have. If you aren’t at it already, consider this to be a goal in your life, as it can be quite rewarding.

Now this can be a lot easier said than done. We are all different. Some people may have tremendous amounts of self-control (in which I applaud them greatly) and know when to spend, while others might not, which is okay. I’m not an expert on this so I won’t give you any advice on how to manage personal finances, but if you can recognize a need to start, then that is a great leap forward in itself. The point of this post is to give encouragement to either start or continue doing good work. Like exercising and eating right, this is a habit that requires consistency, so pace yourself and slowly build.

Use The Internet as your tool. So many sites out there give great advice on saving money, building credit, investing, you name it! Start early, start simple, and it might just pay off in the future. If this is one of your goals, then I wholeheartedly say good luck! I believe it’s a great mindset to have.

Leader or Follower?

Which one are you? Which do you prefer? If you don’t really know, then I suppose it’s worth it to take a look at the characteristics of both.

As a leader, you typically make the calls, managing those that work below. Right or wrong, the credit goes to you, so the pressure could be great. As a follower, things are different. These pressures are to complete tasks well and on time, and overall follow the instructions of the leader. I know I’m really skimming the surface here and there’s far more to it, but the point being is that pressure does not exist in one form. There are many that vary depending on the task and environment, and it’s up to you to decide what works best.

Even as a leader, I would recommend spending some time as a follower, and vice versa. This would allow you to experience what it’s like on another plane, and hopefully can help you make informed decisions in the future. Understanding others will help you become a better person. It will earn you respect the proper way, and not because of rank, or fear, but because you are someone they can confide in and trust.

Race to the Top

Are you a competitive person? Perhaps in sports? Maybe you want to be the best at some kind of activity? Maybe you just want to win.

It’s a great feeling, coming out on top, knowing how high in the standings you may be. Knowing that all the hard work and effort you put in has paid off. It’s a good and proud feeling for sure.

What happens when you fail though? Instead of reaching first prize, you were the runner up. Instead of winning, you lost. What then? I think for some, losing or almost making it is unacceptable. I think this is a good mindset to have, as it allows you to consistently set greater goals in the future. However, it can also be detrimental if this feeling is not kept in check. Having high expectations reveal the tremendous achievements and potential of an individual, but can also burden them with enormous amounts of stress. There have already been plenty of instances around the world where people commit suicide due to the intense pressures faced in school or work. Oftentimes these are triggered by social or cultural roots.

After a disappointing moment or loss, one should perhaps take some time to rest and reflect. This may be hard to do because people may want to prove themselves and jump right back into the game. It’s a good effort, but may not prove to be the most productive for all as emotions may get in the way of things. Here comes the cheesy bit: failure shows that you have more room to grow and improve. This is something that should be remembered (though I think we all do seeing how often this saying is brought up). Taking some time off allows one to mentally reset themselves. Thinking logically, they can analyze their mistakes and weaknesses to ensure in the future a better competitor.

I’m not going to tell you to not feel bad after a loss, because you’ll probably still feel pretty bad. I will advise that you use it as a learning experience. This world is full of competitors, constantly racing towards the top. It’s just how things are structured. If you have the right motivation, mentality, and maturity, then you can definitely be a contender too.

YES or NO?

It varies from person to person, but we’re often faced with decisions, and the answer could be as simple as a yes or no. I’m not going to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, as the choice is yours to make. However, I do think it is important to think about yourself when choosing an answer. Your friend may ask for a favor, and if it was something small and simple, you would probably accept. The issue comes when these favors become complicated, and it becomes more and more of a burden for you. They are your friend however , so you may feel inclined to help out as much as possible.

For some people, it can be really difficult to say no. This could be a cultural thing, or anything really. Maybe they are a really nice person, and do not want to disappoint others. I think this is a good trait to have as it shows kindness and a willingness to help. Unfortunately, the problem arises when we begin to overly commit to our duties. Time can be limitless or limited, depending on how you see it. In the greater span of things, time continuously moves forward into infinity. OUR time as individuals however is packed into whatever daily schedules are set. If you devote all of your energy to others, then your own time is lost.

An unfortunate truth that we may all learn in life is that not everyone appreciates your contributions. Instead, they may take advantage of it, asking more and more from you with no intention of stopping. You must learn to recognize this if you do not already.

If your boss instructs you to start on a project or perform some sort of task, it is very difficult to say no. Obviously if you value your job, then cases like these show higher priority when it comes to making a decision. Look down your list of chores and come to a conclusion on whether or not which of these you can afford to decline. If you have the time, willingness, and the energy to help out others, then go for it! The key here is knowing your own limits.

I want people to enjoy and have motivation in life. I believe having a space for personal reflection and freedom helps move in that direction. The challenge here is that everyone functions in their own ways, and there is no changing that. Because of this, it is completely up to you to decide when you want to keep going, and when you want to stop.


How much do you care about what others think about you? Typically I would assume the younger you are, the more you tend to worry about personal image and how it’s projected onto others. As we grow older however, we tend to realize that no one really cares. In my opinion, when people worry too much about how they are perceived, they are held back, pretending to be someone they are not. There could definitely be positive AND negative impacts of this, but it’s really up to the individual to identify whether or not it’s truly worth the hassle. What I do know is that if you can get rid of your self-consciousness, then you are a step closer to higher confidence. This could mean you are willing to try new things, take risky decisions, and others things of such nature. Not everyone is going to agree with what you do. Not everyone is going to support your ideas. However, the fact that you have taken these leaps and bounds show that you are far ahead of many others. At the end of the day, you are the proactive one. If things fail for you, then face the consequences and learn. If you succeed, then reap the rewards.

With this said, don’t blindly do whatever you want. Don’t just become a snob just because you don’t care about what others think.. Take risks, but think logically as well. Don’t let other people inhibit your decisions and happiness, but also respect their opinions as well. Ultimately, if you want to be happy, you don’t have to follow all the standards given by society. Everyone is different, so show it.

Summer Schedule

Now that Summer is starting to roll around (at least in the US), I hope everyone can stay cool! Wear sunscreen if you live in an intensely sunny place! Hopefully you are able to find time for some relaxation and maybe even vacation. In my opinion, if you do happen to have a lot of free time, I would recommend going out and doing something. Hang out with friends, find a part-time job, or even get started on some personal projects! You never know how these things could affect you in the future, so using your time wisely is key.

With that said, I know not everyone has the time or energy to take some time off and relax. Do what you must, do what you believe is necessary, but don’t forget to take care of yourself. Most jobs don’t have summer breaks where you get 2-3 months off, and that’s the reality of life. You are in charge of your own happiness, and it’s up to you to decide what you want.

Why are you mad?

There’s a reason we all get angry, and it happens from time to time, but it feels like some people are out to find anger even in the tiniest sources possible. I get it, if someone has wronged you, then they deserve justice. Still, when you’re angry, stress is only burdened onto yourself, and we all know that isn’t healthy. The issue typically is harder to resolve as well when you aren’t thinking straight. Managing anger is a skill that is easier for some compared to others, but I believe it is a crucial thing to have. Socially, people become scared when they see rage. They will remember that time when you unleashed fury upon others, and will never see you in the same light. Needless to say, keeping things calm and collected will garner you respect. One honest but harsh way of thinking that I follow is this: there is always something worse happening in the world. Whatever that is, I know that the condition I am in now can always be outpaced by something or someone else. This keeps me level-headed, and makes me appreciate what I do have. Rather than displaying anger, I can instead show empathy.

If someone crashes into your car, your natural response would be frustration, but what will that accomplish? The other party will already feel guilt, regret, and will have to do essentially whatever it takes to make things right. It’s their fault and if they are sensible, they know it. You unfortunately are at the receiving end of someone else’s mistake, which is why I get it’s difficult to not be angry, but at the end of the day, lingering onto it only damages yourself.

I’m not saying you should just suppress your emotions entirely, because that is harmful in many ways as well. I do think we should all learn to identify when we should express anger, joy, fear, and all the other features we possess. Don’t waste your energy on something small and insignificant to your life. Move on.

Tempering your temper will do you well in the future. If you can control your anger, you might be able to deal with other issues as well, such as anxiety. A winner’s mentality is one that cannot be stopped by nerves or frustration, so do what you can and don’t look back. Good Luck!


I’m not a therapist or licensed medical practitioner, but I was able to listen to some of these professionals talk a little bit and get some of their insight. From my understanding, the basis of their job is to try and understand why a patient thinks one way, and if need be, change that way of thinking. Problems that affect the brain can definitely alter perspective and beliefs, and these issues can be physical AND psychological. Trauma for example can have a lasting impact on ones life, especially when it happens to them in a early age. They may have flashbacks, nightmares, and even develop a sense of guilt, despite it being no way their fault. This is a method of the mind trying to cope with the external stressors. It’s a survival instinct, where the body is trying to ensure that something terrible doesn’t happen again. Luckily, in the present day, we don’t have to worry as much about the harsh elements of the world, so the instinct doesn’t really fit well. Nevertheless, it does isolate people, which is why they can be affected so much mentally.

If you or a friend ever had anything happen like this, know that you are not alone, and that you are not an outcast. If it affects your daily life and activity, then seek help. Medicine works to a degree, but sometimes you need to change the way you think. If you can somehow get past these mental obstacles, then you can get your life back on track if it’s not already. If you can help it, do NOT generalize your thoughts. For example, if someone were in a car crash, they may never want to ride in a car again. This is an issue because of how vital automobiles are for transportation. Another would be war. If someone who had PTSD returned home from combat, the environment is changed drastically. Loud noises such as a car or even just children playing may trigger a reaction by the individual. These things take time to heal if at all, so show patience to those who need it. If these generalized thoughts and feelings take over, then the individual will likely become more and more separated from the rest of society, so teaching them that they are in a safe place is key.

Keep Listening

I encourage you and everyone else to interact with friends, family, and even strangers that you meet. Show others that you are an inviting and good person. People like to talk about themselves, it makes them feel important. Listen to what they have to say because they may have valuable lessons to share. Listen because they may be going through hard times, and you may be who they are seeking help from. Listen and learn. In my limited experience with life, I always found it incredibly valuable to just sit back, mouth shut, and soak in the knowledge of people around me. Even if it’s not educational, it might still be entertaining. I have to say some fun facts are pretty fun.

One thing that I think would resonate with all of us is opinion. We all have it, there’s no escape from that. My views however have always been to listen for what others have to say, even if I think it is outlandish and unacceptable. If a vast amount of people believe similar ideals, then there certainly is a plausible reason for the rise of this belief in the first place. I want to understand why some people think this way, because doing so could potentially introduce new ideas in life. One major thing to take away though is that even if an opinion directly clashes with yours, know that most people aren’t here to harm you. No matter how much you want to stand up and prove the opposition wrong, listen for a bit first, and see where you want to take it from there.

Listening to others is a sign of respect and care. It may not seem like much, but others will remember. They will remember you as someone who can be trusted, and that is crucial in person to person interactions. I want you to listen so that you can improve in experience and perspective. We talk about eye opening events changing the way you think, but it can also be something much simpler.